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Weight Loss Hypnosis Trick #1

Weight loss, lose weight, weight loss hypnosis, Berkeley Hypnosis, Oakland Hypnosis, Alameda Hypnosis, Richmond Hypnosis, San Francisco Hypnosis, Alameda Hypnosis, El Cerrito Hypnosis, Walnut Creek Hypnosis, Lafayette Hypnosis, Orinda Hypnosis, East Bay Hypnosis
A simple weight loss hypnosis trick will break your attachment to any food you binge on.

Here’s a cool weight loss hypnosis trick to help you break your attachment to any food you might find keeps you from losing weight.

We use this technique at Berkeley Hypnosis to  diminish your desire for any food you tend to overeat or binge on, whether it’s chocolate, corn chips or even pizza. It’s how I got over donuts and french fries when I was eating them several times a week for a couple of months.

For this particular process, you don’t need to go into a deep hypnotic trance. Consequently, it’s a great technique to use if you don’t have a lot of time. This weight loss hypnosis trick is called “The Mental Blend.”

It starts instantaneously. If you want, though, you can take a few deep breaths, counting to ten for the inhale and ten for the exhale.

You will imagine three things. Depending on how your mind works, you may see them, or you may have a sense of their presence with your other senses as you perform this weight loss hypnosis technique.

Close your eyes and imagine a movie screen in front of you.

Then pick a favorite food that you would like to permanently break your attachment to using weight loss hypnosis. Experience this food on the left side of the screen. Imagine it with as many of your senses as you can. See it, smell it, taste it and remember what it feels like in your mouth. Or just sense that it’s there on the screen. Any level of awareness of this food will work.

Next, think of something that you find a little bit gross. My clients have used items like smelly garbage cans, sulfur, or the smell of a skunk. My go-to item on this step is dirty underwear. Pick whatever comes to mind that, frankly, disgusts you.

Picture or sense this item in the right side of the screen. Remember your experiences of what it is like, and bring as much awareness to it as you are comfortable with.

Now switch back to your problem food that’s on the left side of the screen. Move it toward the center.

Switch to your gross item. Move it from the right of the screen to the center, on top of your problem food.

Imagine mixing them together.

That’s the whole weight loss hypnosis trick.

I’ve used it on other clients as well on myself. It works like a charm. You will find it easy to avoid this food from now on. It’s easy to understand why.

But don’t worry that you will find this food disgusting forever. That won’t happen. This weight loss hypnosis trick will just help you stop craving your favorite binge food or find it as appealing. If your problem food is cake, for example, you still may want some birthday cake on your birthday. You just won’t eat as much of it as you did in previous years

What the gross out factor does is to balance out the special meaning you’ve given this food.

Consciously or unconsciously, we all hypnotize ourselves into believing certain goodies will give us comfort and contentment when we eat them. Perhaps this is because we associate them with pleasant times from the past. But the actual taste pleasure of a food doesn’t last for very long; our taste buds adjust to the flavor after only three bites.

Consequently, no matter how delicious you think a food is, you’re not really missing out on much when you give it up. If we’re honest, a lot of times we eat these foods more for fun 0r emotional reasons than out of hunger.

When you are hungry, eat something healthy. You don’t want to create another problem food for yourself!

This is just one of many weight loss hypnosis methods that can truly help you lose the weight for good. Want to find out if hypnosis will work for you? Click the button below to our weight loss hypnosis quiz.

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