Post by: Berkeley Hypnosis in Anxiety General Anxiety Disorder Panic Attacks Phobia PTSD Social Anxiety Uncategorized
If you want to understand how to overcome anxiety, keep reading . . . For cave people, anxiety was a good thing. Not anxiety, exactly. More like the fight-flight-or-freeze response. Here’s why it was a plus: Let’s say you were cave person who had been chased by a woolly mammoth. This beast wanted to kill and eat you. Fortunately, you…
27 May 2018

Post by: Berkeley Hypnosis in Anxiety arthritis Fibromyalgia General Anxiety Disorder IBS Lose Weight Medical Issues Pain Management Pain Management Hypnosis Pain Relief Panic Attacks Phobia PTSD Sciatica Social Anxiety Stop Smoking
When people come to see me at Berkeley Hypnosis, they usually think hypnosis is only about positive suggestions like: “The urge to smoke a cigarette will disappear and you will reach for a glass of water instead;” or “Every time the job interviewer asks you a question, your confidence will grow stronger;” or simply, “You are getting very sleepy.” I…

Post by: Berkeley Hypnosis in Anxiety General Anxiety Disorder Panic Attacks Phobia PTSD Social Anxiety Uncategorized
Need anxiety relief? This might your best choice . . . Most people call a doctor or a psychotherapist when they need anxiety relief. But there’s one more option that is often faster and more cost-effective. It's also a non-addictive alternative to medication or months of therapy: hypnosis. Hypnosis is fun and relaxing. More importantly, studies show it has a…